This lesson looks at the universal signs and symbols we see around us everyday. Colour and shape play an important role in sending us visual messages.
Get your students thinking about how images can inform us and act as non-verbal forms of communication.
This download includes;
A Lesson Plan - with suggestions for questioning/prompting discussion.
A Slide Show Presentation - outlining the difference between a sign and a symbol, what the four categories of signs are, examples of signs to play a guessing/questioning game, a short drawing warm-up activity.
Identifying Signs Student Worksheet.
Design Activity - design your own sign.
Marking Rubric - for the design activity.
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Take the stress and intimidation out of Self Portrait drawing by getting your students thinking about what represents them, rather than what they look like!
This printable activity is suited to all ages and encourages students to think about how they can represent themselves with symbols and objects.
It is suited to all drawing levels and can be incorporated into a Unit of Work, used as a stand-alone task for early finishers, set as homework, or used by casual teachers.
You can easily extend on this task by having students annotate their drawing with explanations for their choices, or use the activity as a draft for a much larger Self Portrait artwork.
Download includes: 1 page PDF file with general instructions and an annotated example in the bottom right-hand corner of the worksheet.
Foam Printing Lesson and Resources.
Introduce students to printmaking with this Foam Printing lesson.
All resources are ready to use and print.
Learning Time: 1 - 2 hrs
Suitable for beginners through to more advanced classes.
Grades 6 - 10
This download includes;
Lesson Plan
Teacher Notes with lesson suggestions
Drawing Fish using Geometric Shapes - Printable
Line Types and Pattern Samples - Printable
Fish Outlines x 4 (each outline has the option to face left and right)
Fish Outlines with Pattern already included (each outline with pattern has the option to face left and right)
Procedure Text in Colour and Printer Friendly Version
Wall Pin-Ups - Collage Definition, Print Definition, Tools and Materials Used
Marking Rubric for Foam Print
Student Self-Evaluation Sheet - Printable
Double Window Mount Template - to display finished work on the wall - Printable
Video Demonstration: How to make a Foam Print with a Collaged Background. Run Time 9:33 (mov)
Contact me if you would like an alternative video file format.
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Celebrate PRIDE MONTH with this colourful activity to decorate your classroom.
By getting your students engaged in Pride Month activities you can raise awareness around issues of equality, homophobia and acceptance. This simple, ready to print activity can act as a standalone task or be incorporated into a lesson about the LGBTQI+ Community.
Suitable for beginners through to more advanced students.
Resource Pack Includes Printable PDF Files:
8 background templates
6 clip art shapes
12 slogans
Printing Instructions for formats A5, A4, and A3
General Information & Instructions for the activity
Annotated Samples
7 Completed Samples (finished products) to use as a reference
40 mins - 1hr activity time
Suitable materials - coloured pencils, markers, chalks, pastels, paints, poster paints, water-soluble crayons, twist-out crayons, watercolour pencils, watercolour sets.
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Any suggestions for improving on the quality of resources is greatly appreciated.